Decent Mileage Weekend

The weather both days this weekend was unseasonably warm. Saturday I ran at Waterton Canyon, and then up the Colorado Trail. The trail was snow all the way and very difficult footing. I thought I might go beyond 20 miles but the narly footing put an end to those aspirations.

I started at 2:40pm and it started to turn dark before I got off the Colorado Trail. I put one headlamp around my hips and the other around my chest.
My car was parked in a dark lot and I'm not sure that was okay. I looked for and didn't find any signs saying not to park after a certain time, or even over night, but there was a big gate. I was expecting a ticket on my windshield from an unsympathetic ranger, but I lucked-out.
17 miles.

Sunday, I stuck to my 'hood and ran Washington Park. I ran into a friend, Mark W, and did a lap with him. Then two more laps solo.
The trail around the park is crap - mud, ice, puddles. The next time it snows, I need to head to the park with a good shovel and do some community work. A little work in select spots would save several weeks of people running on the grass and widening the trail. Wish someone with a riding mower would drive once around with a blade on the front when it snows.
11.8 miles
Nearly 29 miles for the weekend.