Tiny Slushballs
Today's photos were taken by Chris R at the Greenland 50K (with Brandy's camera?) Thanks, Chris!

Last night, I ran 10.6 miles in freezing, windy rain. Not a mere sprinkle, but a full-on rain. Each droplet was a tiny slushball.
Instead of wearing a rain jacket, I wore two long-sleeve tech shirts and a short-sleeve tech shirt. I had my GoreTex beaujest flap on one of my NorthFace caps, and I wore fleece gloves and fleece headband over my ears.
I wore my GoreTex Solomon shoes, and actually wimped-out by running around and gingerly through the water puddles. Let me tell ya, about half the terrain was water puddles.
Ever now-and-then, the wind would blow hard and the freezing rain would turn to tiny white snowballs. Then it was back to slushy rain droplets again.
I figure I have to train in anything. They aren't going to postpone or cancel the Leadville 100 if it rains. They may not cancel it if it snows, either. So I need to be used to it.
Part of getting used to it is learning what to wear. You go quite a few miles between aid stations, and some of the course is exposed with no trees. If you don't wear the right stuff, you could ruin your race.
When I train, and I stop for whatever reason, I never stop my watch. So my time, "average pace", and "average speed" suffer greatly. At Leadville, they aren't going to stop the clock when I stop at an aid station. If I decide to take a little nap on their cots, they aren't going to stop the clock. You get 30 hours, period.

I somehow got mixed-up about the awards. I thought everyone got medals and if you finished under 25 hours you got a belt buckle. Instead, there are no medals. If you finish under 30 hours, you get a small belt buckle that says "under 30 hours". If you finish under 25 you get a BIG buckle that says "under 25 hours".
Sometimes it seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to hold up your pants.
And, you know what they say about big belt buckles... Hee, hee, I'd still want the biggest, baddest belt buckle.
Happy running and I hope some of this weather heads your way!
The weather is definitely heading this way. Next week is supposed to be heaven.
Now maybe some women will show me their rumps after sitting in the grass? I better hurry up and get a big belt buckle!
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