Anita Fromm is doing Badwater at this moment. Her husband Tim Fromm is crew-master, I think. He has been awesome for her this year! And he's quite the speed-demon himself whether on foot of bike. I still covet his skull tights that I've seen him in.
Live stats. She started at 8am Pacific Time.
The last I heard, she's still planning on "doubling". Starting in the lowest point in Death Valley, finishing the 135 mile Badwater course, sleeping 5 hours, climbing to the summit of Whitney, then running all the way back to Badwater Death Valley, for 290 miles total.
Live stats won't cover her "double" since the official race is only one-way 135 miles.
Better her than ME!!!! Go girl!
I did more research and revised my LT100 pacing chart. There were glaring problems with the chart. For one thing, "HP" should have said "Hopeless", which is what they call the Hope Pass aid-station, down at treeline below the north side of the pass. When you adjust the location of the HP stats, my training run was very close to the required 25-hour pace splits.
The bad news is that I finished 18 minutes late at the end. Not good, but I was slacking since I was looking for my dark-green CR-V in the night and didn't want ot run past it.
Other times that I thought were very late re-adjusted to within a couple of minutes! I'm very comfortable with this pace. I'm currently on-target for a 25-hour LT100. Anything can happen race-day, so I'm not going to get cocky, but I do feel that my training has been adequate.
I got rained on a lot, Saturday. The rain with lightening only lasted about 30 minutes, but it reduced to a sprinkle after that. I took off my ultra-light Salomon rain jacket after the rain. The sprinkles were so light I dried as fast as it landed on me so that I stayed moist but not wet.
When I got back to my CR-V, my pants were very flexible from the moisture. So they had to have been rinsed-out to some extent. So what a surprise when I pulled them out of my car.
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