LooseCrew-JeffO: I'm a trail runner again!


Ramblings of an adventurous guy living in Denver and playing in the mountains.
For my trail adventures, visit my Trail Bum blog

Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm a trail runner again!

I ran about 5-6 miles last night. Scott was nice enough to run slow with me, even though I told him I knew the way and might not be able to keep up. We were post-holing through snow near Bear Creek Lake for awhile.

The popular Jim Romero and Connie Ahrnsbrak ran together and turned back earlier. Jim will be leaving to run the Antarctic Marathon soon. It's summer down there. Jim ran the Kilimanjaro Marathon last summer. (The snow is virtually gone from the peak!)
Connie has been running for decades. Although she trains slow and careful, she can be impressively fast in a race. Jim and Connie nearly always win their age group in races.

My foot hurts. Not sure last night was right or wrong.

Decades ago, I shattered my right ankle. I had surgery and ended up with 2 screws in my fibula and my ankle was purple for about 8 years.
Just weeks after I had surgery, the man who was teaching me Chinese boxing had a serious car accident. Mr. Lough had a shattered left shin and shattered pelvis. He was running months before I was.
I thought that any pain was a sign that it wasn't healed yet, so not ready for activity. What I've learned is that it's going to hurt no matter what, and that injuries won't finish healing without some applied stress. If I wait three years, it still won't be healed. Proper therapy will send me through gradually-escalating stresses. I'll need to rest it properly between stresses. I need to eat properly, drink my Nutrajoint+cocoa every night, stay hydrated, and get plenty of sleep.

Last night after the run my quads were so sore, but this morning I feel much better. I was going to climb Bierstadt, but now I think I need to stay off this foot so it can recover from Tuesday and Thursday.

Only 3 days left of my Matrix membership. I'll hit the eliptical on Sunday or Monday.


At 11:15 AM, Blogger CHIC-HANDSOME said...

good year


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