Kahtoola Oblongata
Tuesday, I bought a whole box of Accel gels (24). Got tired of running out of gels. That's why I bought a dozen last time, but that wasn't enough. So maybe this time my gels will last through summer.

My 19 oz. Kahtoola KTS crampons arrived yesterday. I might need them when I pace Paul G at Hard Rock in a couple of weeks. If not, then they'll definitely get used in the next few years. They're a perfect match for my LaSportiva Ultranords.
Paul said I can do 18 miles with him, but warned it'll be 18 very tough miles. But that's Hard Rock, right? I'd feel gyp'd if it wasn't hard. Should be tons of fun.
My quads are still wasted. Wednesday was Bike-To-Work Day. Biking is good for my quads. Hard to believe how deeply tired they are. I wish I could taper for Leadville already!
My left ankle hurts more each day. It didn't hurt at all on Monday. I guess it got yanked on too many times over the weekend. Now it has that sprained feeling again. It's hard to walk normal. Oddly, when I rise up on my toes and run, it feels fine, unless the ground tilts the wrong direction. Then it hurts like hell. This is not good, leading into the LT100 Training Camp. I've had this problem before earlier this year, and it healed. My taper weeks are supposed to take care of this.
My schedule:
Sat, Jun29-Jul3 LT100 Training Camp
..Fri - Check-in
..Sat - Mayqueen to Twin Lakes (26 Miles)
..Sun - Twin Lakes to Winfield and back (21 Miles)
..Mon - Night Run, Twin Lakes to Tree Line (12 Miles)
Sat, July 7 - Leadville Marathon
Fri, July 12-15 - Hard Rock 100 pacing
Wed, July 18 - massage
Fri, July 20-28 - backpacking
Then I taper!!!!
Taper will consist of lots of motion, pristine diet, with very low stress like walking and easy biking.
Wow, Leadville really is approaching. You feeling good about it? What I really like about your 100 training schedule is that it includes so many more things than just running. Just oodles of cross training!
RICE that ankle, Jeff! Hope it feels better soon!
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