Surprise Aid Station
Tonight, Adam Feerst and I conspired to arrange a surprise aid station in the snowy dark on North Table Mountain.
I haven't been running with the Denver Trail Runners in several months. So no one was expecting to see me at all.
I used a whole can of Nestle Rich Chocolate Cocoa in a 2-gallon cooler. Right after work, it was mixed, then I drove out an hour ahead of the group's ETA for that location.
In a cooler-chest, I had cups, Keebler Pecan Sandies, and Peppermint Schnapps. In my backpack, I had extra winter clothing, in case the forecasted 18mph winds blew in, my backpacking stove, and the 2-gallon cooler full of cocoa. In my one free hand, I carried the back deck of my CR-V, which Honda smartly designed as a fold-out table.
I set up, called Adam to give him my exact location, and then strolled around listening to and looking at the night-time scenery. There's obviously LOTS of wildlife of every size scurrying around North Table Mtn.
They were easy to see long before they arrived. Most had headlamps. I kept mine off until the first people saw me. Several cups were set out with just Schnapps in the bottom, but then I started pooring hot cocoa into them and handing them out, warning people about the Schanpps, and pooring a few for those who don't do alcohol.
It was a hit, and very different than the normal DTR runs where we just head out, run, and come back.
Afterwards, we all headed to a member's house and had our annual Chrismukah holiday potluck party.
Wow, I didn't realize how much I missed them - nor how much some of them missed me. It was good to be back with my extended family. It was very warming to the soul. All around a very good evening.
Other note: NurtaJoint is now back down to $14. It was as low as $11 a couple of years ago, then it went all the way up to $38 - and I refused to buy it. It's supposed to be $14 at my Safeway store until next spring. So I'm stocking up on it.
And finally, here's a photo taken during the Rock Canyon Marathon...

I know...isn't it nice to be reunited with your old running gang?? I missed those ridiculous cyclists too :) You have 'em a good surprise!!
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