Winter Park Snowshoeing
This entire past week has been a training disaster. Too many non-training responsibilities trashed my ability to get out. But I don't regret the reasons, just the lack of mileage. This next week doesn't look one bit better, but for mostly different reasons.
I'm supposed to give blood on Thursday, then run 34 miles on Saturday. So if I die of a heart-attack, just remember I died having fun. (!)
Paul G and I leave Friday afternoon. We have problems with logistics, car-space, and costs. Plus neither one of our vehicles are young enough to trust whole-heartedly that they will last the entire journey, but away-we-go.
We'll take my CR-V, and hopefully we can figure out how to get our bikes inside and still have room for one person to lay out sleeping. Otherwise we'll have to CONSTANTLY shuffle gear around.
Right after the Moab Red Hot 50K, we'll head out for Death Valley. (If I die during the 50K, then I guess Paul will do most of the driving.)
I don't know if I'll have phone reception or Internet, so my blog might not get updated for over a week.

Saturday, I was supposed to have met the Denver Trail Runners for skate-skiing, but I didn't leave early enough and got there a paltry 10 minutes too late! Bummer!
Instead, I went back to Winter Park and snowshoed up Corona Pass Road, not quite reaching the tressle. 17.3 miles didn't make up for the lost miles this week. This week is the lowest mileage of the entire year!
I saw tons of lynx tracks! Very cool! Those buggers really float on top. Fox prints sink way in and they have lots of trouble. Even scrawny squirrels tend to sink in. Even though they don't weigh much, their feet don't spread out the weigh.
Rabbits also tend to sink in. Even if a Snowshoe Hare, a rabbit's dynamics is not gentle and smooth.
Lynx have very large, hairy paws. Even though some of our lynx are big, they amazingly walk on top because they step so lightly with those big paws.

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