BBQ Camp-out
Another gross photo...

I was about to leave for the BBQ camp-out and I looked at my two dead pinky-toe nails. The left one seemed deader than the right, so I rubbed it. The end came up. So I worked it around and there was no pain. I started pulling and it came right off, leaving a clean, oval crater. I can't tell if there's any nail-root left to grow a new one. I'd rather my nails would just give up the fight and quit trying to grow. They just get in the way.
John, Christine, Diane
My burgers are sprinkled with seasoned salt, Spike, and black pepper. Then the burger buns are adorned with jalapeƱos, cheese, and BBQ sauce. Not for vegans - sorry. I ate more meat this weekend than I normally eat in a month! Somehow my stomach and gut had no issues. Maybe all the beer helped get it down. We had Becks Dark, Breckenridge Avalanche, and Sam Adams Boston Ale, plus some Cabernet.
We also had corn-on-the-cob that I baked on the grill while constantly spritzing with water.
We all stank of wood smoke and body sweat, but it was worth it. We sat around the fire until 9:30pm. That seems late now, but in the old days before I began running, that was the start of the evening.
Breakfast was very healthy, uh, except for those donuts. (Hey, who brought those?)
We ate a late lunch at the Happy Cooker in Georgetown before we said our good-byes and went home.
It was a very relaxing and fun weekend.
Dude, that toe is gross. Truly gross.
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