Thanks to everyone who has helped me get across the finish. The list of people out there who have coached and inspired me is too long. You know who you are.
I finally got my photos. I didn't take many. I REALLY wish I had gotten the sunset over the lake, but the timing didn't work out. All I got was me drinking my champagne at the end, and the swollen ankles and the really bad rash. Heat rash? I never had a rash like that. I'm afraid I didn't pay much attention to anything but keeping myself moving.

I'm not crippled. I was going up and down stairs at work carrying computers like usual. No one had a clue about my weekend. I haven't been hobbling. There have been some temporary aches and sharp spikes, but if I wait, they go away. I think it means I need to take some time with only moderate activity.
Tonight was the Tuesday Wash Park run. I trotted and walked 3 miles - no more. It felt good to run, but I think it would be stupid to try to push my luck. I need several days of rest before I start loading up again.
The Rockies are covered with snow. I think it's too late to scout my 100k course, but maybe I'll give it one last try this weekend.
Jeff, they do have parties like that here - wait until you see my post on this year's Halloween party, which I bought a ticket to since I failed to get a date last night. What the hell happened to everyone? I finished two laps, backtracked thinking I see everyone, saw no one and decided everyone must've left after just one lap? Was really planning to ask cute girl out.
I just bought my ticket last night. I figured I'd give myself an early bday present and went for the VIP ticket. I was planning to go as the "700 Billion Bailout Package." Bought some little tighty whities, was going to write "Bailout Package" on the front, "$700 Billion" on the back, clip dollar bills all over, and write "Bailout Package" with a down arrow on my chest. I think I'm going to go back to Hulk Hogan costume again though. You can be the Bailout Package then if you wanted to go. You could also get a potato and hang it from your waist and be a Dick-Tator for a cheap costume. Another idea is to be Joe the Plumber.
You should plan to do the Basic Boulder Mountain Marathon on 11/1. It's an "unofficial" race/run that the Boulder Trail Runners do up through the foothills each year. Full route will be about 10K feet of climbing over some 25ish miles. I'll be doing 2 or 3 of the peaks (3-4 hours worth), but not the entire circuit. Here's the email that went out to the listserv:
On Saturday, November 1st a few of my BTR friends and I are planning to start from Bear Creek Park (corner of Lehigh and Bear Mountain Dr, off of Table Mesa) and run the 4 peaks (Flagstaff, Green, Bear, and South Boulder) in celebration of the coming of fall. There will be a shorter option as well... If you still have your Halloween costume on, come as you are :)
We will start running at 9AM. The party should start after 1PM and likely go into the evening. Bring something to throw on the grill or a side dish, and beverages. We will have burgers/brats.
Justin - Most people did only one lap. They wus'd out.
And, Justin - I'm not sure I want to go unless I can think of a costume that works with my hairy body. At least I don't have a furry back!
And last-but-not-least, Justin - That looks like an AWESOME race!!! Count me in.
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