Friday Ramblings
The woman in red & black. I see all sorts of incredible women at Wash Park, but this one that was wearing red & black on Tuesday has caught my attention.
Don't get me wrong - I have no intention of starting anything with anyone. My past is paved with a perfect record - every woman who I tried to have a relationship with now hates my guts. I've discovered too much happiness alone, I'm selfish about my freedom, and I love to run. Why screw with what works?
Wednesday, I saw her again. I swear she runs a half-marathon every day. She has to be doing 5 laps, or maybe more.
Thursday, she was there again!
Now Friday night, and she was still out there.
I am very curious about her, but she wears ear-buds. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a person crams earbuds in their ears, and they don't ever make eye-contact, then they want to tune-out the world and don't want you to bother them, right?
I've been averaging a bit more than 8 miles per evening.
By the end of August, I ran more miles than all of last year. Now I've done 200 miles more than last year.
It's nice to be healthy. I have been having occasional sharp pains in both feet since the beginning of summer, but since it hasn't been constant, I haven't slacked. Still, with so many people I know getting severe sprains, stress-fractures, knee surgery, and other issues, I'm trying to be cautious and not take anything for granted.
There's a marathon tomorrow morning easy driving distance from Denver and I decided not to run it. I'm going to spend time with either my brothers of my son, or all of them.
Recently, my head has been sweating like crazy. The temps are cooling off, but I'm sweating so much that I have to wear a bandanna to soak up the sweat lest it run constantly down. A cap isn't enough. I tried wearing a cap and then dabbing and wiping with a bandanna in my hand, but since the sun sets so early, I don't really need a cap bill, so I now go running like a pirate, wearing the bandanna on top. I'm just a hot-head.
Next week, I have the 10-mile Silent Trails race in Wyoming. I really like this race. I get to meet another group of people I don't normally see, yet they all love to run trails like I do.
Two weeks from now is the Boulder 100. It's a boring course, but I'm really looking forward to it. I know I'll have lots of fun. It's not the course, it's the company I keep! Oh, and the view of the Front Range helps. At the 12-hour of Frisco, I learned some extra things about self-crewing that ought to keep me moving faster through the turn-arounds. V-8, V-8, lots of pre-filled sport-drink in any kind of bottle I can fill - it doesn't have to be an Ultimate Direction bottle. I bought a bunch of Gatorade in smaller bottles. I can fill them with my preferred mixture of Heed, Gatorade, and Pretpetuem.
And last-but-not-least, I stumbled on this blog in bloody-ol' England. The photos are well worth the visit...
Sarah' and Iain's blog
So check out the wiki. It is absolutely beautiful - for a place with no trees and still low elevation. They even run in the famed Brecon Beacons.

This post is hilarious.
1) I know. I think I'm too happy being alone to actually want to be with anyone else. I'm a mess. But you seem pretty interested in her for someone who proclaims he's not interested!
2) I'm glad your running is going so well!!
3) Sorry your head is so sweaty.
4) Good luck in your races!!
DO NOT let the past dictate your future if you are looking for something different. Good grief, JeffO, I wish I were there to give you a good smack upside the head! Just kidding, well, sort of. :)
Hope you're doing well and thanks for the kind thoughts on my blog!
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